Gill Sans is a sans-serif typeface designed by Eric Gill and released by the British branch of Monotype from 1928 onwards. The roots of Gill Sans can be traced to the typeface that Gill’s teacher, Edward Johnston, designed for the signage of the London Underground Railway in 1918.

One of the main reasons for the enduring success of his namesake design is that it is based on Roman character shapes and proportions, making it unlike virtually any other sans serif out there. Gill also worked his own warmth and humanity into his design, resulting in a typeface in which each weight retains a distinct personality of its own.

A type specimen booklet that playing around with the roundels, lines and railway system to create a dynamic view and reflecting its usage in the London Underground. Also, this booklet use the colour of blue, red and black to create a clean separation with contrast.

210mm (W) x 148mm (H)
Gill Sans

Gill Sans
